Site policy

This website is managed and operated by Gion Saito Co., Ltd. and Saito Orimono Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our group”) or its agents. Please read the following terms of use carefully before using this website and use it only if you agree to them. Please note that by using this website, you are deemed to have agreed to all the terms and conditions.


Disclaimer of Warranties

Our group does not guarantee the accuracy of the content of each service (hereinafter referred to as “each service”) and articles provided on this website. Furthermore, our group is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused by the use of each service by the user. Our group does not guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements, unauthorized access by third parties, or any other safety aspects of this website.


Prohibition of Reproduction of Information

All copyrights for the data, articles, images, and other content that make up this website belong to our group and the creators of the images. Unless our group deems that there are special circumstances, viewers are not allowed to reproduce the images, data, and programs of this website on other websites, magazines, advertisements, etc. However, if permission is obtained from our group, viewers may reproduce and cite articles and text from this website on other websites. In the event of unauthorized reproduction of information posted on this website, our group will take measures based on copyright law (warnings, lawsuits, damage claims, injunctions, requests for restoration of honor, etc.) against the violator.


Ownership of Rights

All rights to the programs, software, services, trademarks, and trade names that make up this website, as well as the services, products, and related technologies provided by our group and our business partners, belong to our group, our business partners, the rights holders of the programs, or the information providers. Users are not allowed to engage in any activities that infringe on these rights. Users are also prohibited from engaging in infringement or modification of all programs and software that make up this website. In the event of a dispute arising in violation of this provision, the user shall resolve the dispute at their own expense and responsibility, and under no circumstances shall our group be held liable.


Compensation for Damages

If a user violates these terms, the terms within this website, or the provisions of applicable laws and regulations, and causes damage to our group, our business partners, or third parties, the user shall be responsible for compensating for the damages and under no circumstances shall our group or its business partners or third parties be held liable. Users who cause damage to our group, our business partners, or third parties in violation of the previous item (Ownership of Rights) shall be liable to compensate our group, our business partners, and other users or third parties for all damages incurred.


Temporary Suspension of Services

Our group reserves the right to temporarily suspend the provision of each service without prior notice to the user for the following reasons. Our group is not responsible for any losses or damages incurred by the user or third parties due to the suspension of each service, regardless of the content or nature of the loss or damage.

  • Maintenance, inspection, or repair of our group’s system to maintain the operation of each service.
  • If the provision of each service becomes impossible due to fire or power outage.
  • If the provision of each service becomes impossible due to natural disasters or other events.
  • If it becomes necessary to temporarily suspend the provision of each service for operational or technical reasons.

If our group determines that the continued provision of each service is difficult due to the reasons mentioned above, our group may terminate each service without notifying the users.


User Actions

When users send and receive data using this website, the responsibility for the content of the communications rests with the users. Our group provides these services to users via the Internet. Users are responsible for appropriately installing and operating all devices, means of communication, software, etc., necessary for connecting to the Internet at their own expense and responsibility. Our group is not responsible for any issues related to the operation of these devices. Users agree that additional communication costs may be required depending on their internet connection environment, and they bear the full responsibility for these costs. Users should also be aware that part of the services may not be available for viewing or use depending on their internet connection environment.


Changes to Terms

Our group reserves the right to revise these terms at any time without prior notice to users. Users are expected to check the content of these terms each time they use this website. By using each service after the revision, users are deemed to have agreed to the revised terms. Our group is not responsible for any damages caused to users or third parties due to their failure to check this page, regardless of the nature or content of the damages.



Operating Environment (Recommended Viewing Environment)


Web Browser
It is recommended that this website be viewed using the latest version of a web browser that meets standard specifications such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. The website may not function properly or be displayed correctly if accessed using a browser that does not meet the recommended environment, or depending on the settings of the browser, even under the recommended environment. If you are using an outdated version of a browser, you may not be able to view this website correctly, and your security when connected to the network may not be fully protected. Additionally, if the manufacturer has ended support for your browser, please install or update to the latest supported browser.


About JavaScript

This website uses JavaScript on some pages. If JavaScript is disabled in your browser, the website may not function or display correctly. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings when viewing this website. Refer to your browser’s help or the instructions for enabling JavaScript and plugins for more information.


About Style Sheets

This website uses style sheets (CSS) to decorate and layout the display of web pages. If style sheets are disabled in your browser, the website may not display correctly. Please enable style sheets in your browser settings when viewing this website.

Cookie policy

About Cookies

When using this website, please first read this Cookie Policy. If you continue to browse this website, you are considered to have agreed to this Cookie Policy. If you do not agree to this Cookie Policy, please disable cookies through your browser settings. Please note that if cookies are disabled, you may not be able to use some of the functions of this website.


Use of Cookies on This Website

This website uses cookies mainly for the following purposes to improve convenience and maintain and enhance the quality of the services. They are not used for the purpose of collecting personal information.

  • To display the website optimally and improve services.
  • To conduct statistical research and analysis of website access (using Google Analytics).


Use of Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a service provided by Google Inc., to understand how the website is used. Google Analytics uses cookies issued by our group to analyze the usage of the website. Our group receives the analysis results from Google Inc. and uses them to understand how the website is used.

The information collected, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics does not include any information that can identify a specific individual. Additionally, this information is managed by Google Inc. according to their privacy policy. For more information on the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google’s Privacy Policy, please refer to the URLs below:

Google Analytics Terms of Service

Google Privacy Policy


How to Manage and Delete Cookies

You can disable cookies by changing the settings of your computer, tablet, or smartphone’s browser. You can also delete saved cookies.


Inquiries Regarding This Cookie Policy

If you have any questions about this Cookie Policy, please contact us through the inquiry form below. You can still use this website even if you disable cookies, but please note that some functions may not be available. For instructions on how to change your browser settings, please refer to the website of each browser provider.

Privacy policy

Gion Saito Co., Ltd. and Saito Textile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “our Group”) recognize that it is our corporate social responsibility to appropriately manage personal information held by our Group, including that of our customers and business partners, in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act and other relevant laws and regulations. We have established the following “Personal Information Protection Policy” and are committed to its protection.
*Personal information refers to information that can identify an individual customer, such as name, address, phone number, and email address, as well as information unique to the individual customer.

  1. Acquisition of Personal Information
    Our Group will clarify the purpose of use when acquiring personal information and will obtain it in an appropriate and lawful manner, limited to the necessary extent to achieve the stated purpose.
  2. Use of Personal Information
    Our Group will not use the acquired personal information beyond the scope of the stated purpose of use without obtaining the individual’s consent. However, this does not apply when required by law or when necessary to protect a person’s life, body, or property.
  3. Disclosure and Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
    Our Group will not disclose or provide the acquired personal information to third parties, except when outsourcing to external parties. However, this does not apply when the customer has given consent, when required by law, or when necessary to protect a person’s life, body, or property, and obtaining the individual’s consent is difficult.
  4. Compliance with Laws and Regulations Regarding the Handling of Personal Information
    Our Group will comply with laws, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information.
  5. Management of Personal Information and Implementation of Safety Management Measures
    Our Group will properly store and manage personal information, taking organizational, human, physical, and technical safety measures to prevent the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information. If a problem arises, we will promptly implement corrective actions.
  6. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, etc. of Personal Information
    Our Group will respond appropriately if an individual requests disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc., of their personal information. We will also appropriately respond to complaints and consultations regarding personal information. Please contact the following contact point for inquiries.
  7. Continuous Improvement
    Our Group will strive for continuous improvement to ensure the appropriate use and protection of personal information.



Guidance on Handling Personal Information


  1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
    The personal information provided to our Group will be used for the following purposes. We will not use it for purposes other than those listed below without obtaining the individual’s consent.

    1. Personal Information of Those Who Request Materials, Make Inquiries, or Submit Various Requests/Consultations
      • For sending materials, email newsletters, and direct mail (DM)
      • For responding to inquiries
      • For referencing past inquiries
      • For after-sales service and follow-up services
      • For formulating measures to improve customer satisfaction
      • For conducting surveys aimed at service improvement
      • For creating statistical materials
      • For providing information on events
      • For other matters related to our Group’s business purposes
    2. Personal Information Related to Recruitment
      For providing information and contacting regarding recruitment selection and decisions
    3. Personal Information Related to Former Employees
      For providing information and contacting former employees
  2. Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information
    Our Group may provide the acquired personal information to business contractors within the necessary scope to achieve the purposes stated above. In such cases, we will select businesses that ensure sufficient protection of personal information, stipulate the handling of personal information in contracts, and demand appropriate management from the contractors.
  3. Voluntariness of Providing Personal Information
    Providing personal information is generally voluntary. However, if some information is not provided, it may hinder the execution of the intended purposes.
  4. Management and Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information
    Our Group will manage the provided personal information as accurately and up-to-date as possible. If there is a request for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, or cessation of provision to third parties regarding the disclosed personal information, we will respond appropriately after confirming the individual’s identity and conducting the necessary investigations. Please note that if we respond by mail to such requests, we may charge the postage fee stipulated by our Group. Please contact the following contact point for inquiries.
  5. Acquisition of Personal Information by Methods Other Than Directly from the Individual in Writing
    Our Group may acquire personal information by methods other than directly from the individual in writing, such as:

    • Recording the contents of phone calls
    • Taking photographs or videos
    • Recording the contents of interviews
    • Talking in meetings or interviews
  6. Contact Point for Inquiries, Complaints, and Consultations Regarding Personal Information
    Inquiries, complaints, and consultations regarding personal information will be accepted at the following contact point.


Customer Service Desk
E-mail contact@giton-saito.com